Spring’s Artistry with Water, Snow, and Ice

by Margaret on March 31, 2022

A misty rain with a forecast of 15C, was not a combination that I welcomed as surely the snow and ice in the creeks in the Gatineau Park would melt.   That’s not what I wanted.  I love the creeks in the spring melt season, as the winter snow cover melts and reveals ice patterns, rocks covered with ice, and rushing water.  This part of the season is short, and I feel a bit frustrated because I know I can’t get to visit all the creeks in this short transition.  Today was a wet day, but I managed enough time to capture some of the creek’s artistry in the Dunlop Picnic Filed before the rain became heavy.  One concern, Callum is becoming more comfortable than I’d like with exploring  closer and closer to the thunderous water flow than I’d like.

Here are some of the creek’s artistry.

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