Winter Dragging its Feet

by Margaret on December 15, 2021

I’m fed up with Climate Change getting in the way of the start to my ski season.  Rain, high temperatures, melting, freezing rain, snow fall and then start the cycle all over.  Winter hasn’t arrived and its the middle of December.  While I do feel this way, when I look west to BC and all that’s been going on there as a result of Climate Change this minor inconvenience pales in comparison.  All that is happening scares me for our future.  Will we lose our lovely winters?

Sunday felt like a gorgeous day in March with icicles juxtaposed next to vibrant green ferns.  Then today was a dull day with flat light as I was checking out ice in creeks thankfully wearing crampons.  No two days are the same.

A couple of photos of ferns and icicles on a south facing cliff, and photos of icicles in creeks.

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