The Attraction of Creeks

by Margaret on October 29, 2021

I’m going to have to start bringing my tall rubber boots with me for photo outings that involve creeks.  After two significant soakers trying unsuccessfully to balance on wet slippery rocks and still not getting the composition I want, I’m surrendering:  the extra weight of boots tied to my pack will be worth it.

I am attracted to creeks, especially in the spring and fall when the flow is higher.  At this time of year, it’s the juxtaposition of the wet rocks, the flowing water and the colourful leaves that cause me to pause, take in a deep breath, and pull out my camera.  Not all my photos turn out to be breathtaking, but that doesn’t stop me from trying.  The best thing is I feel like a kid playing in the creek and I need this as I really don’t let myself play enough.  So, I’ll just have to figure out how to secure those boots to my pack.

Here are a few photos taken over the past 2 weeks – Dunlop water falls, creeks along Wolf Trail, the outlet of Carman Creek and Chelsea Creek.


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