A Surprise – Brilliant Green Moss

by Margaret on July 16, 2015


I’ve been learning to pay attention to lighting and the impact of the time of day on colour and learned that either early morning or late afternoon are ideal for being able to obtain the most depth of colour. So lately I’ve been going out much earlier in the mornings than normal and on the day I took this photo discovered the truth of this lesson. This photo was taken at Lac Bourgeois early on a hot muggy hazy morning. I chose to drop in on Lac Bourgeois looking for some waterfowl or beaver activity because there is a large beaver lodge in the middle of the lake. When I got there I was initially disappointed as the colours on the lake were really quite drab and uninspiring, and there was no beaver to be seen! But to my surprise the light conditions that morning had transformed the fairly commonplace green moss beneath my feet into an exceptionally brilliant and almost fluorescent green colour. The moss was breathtaking and almost surreal, especially lying against the wet rusty brown pine needles. I couldn’t resist attempting to capture that beauty.

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