Being There for the Early Morning Colours

by Margaret on October 15, 2017

My photographer friend Harry Nowell always says the secret to good photos is – being there.  Being there when the light is right, when the sun rises, or when mist rises over the water.  While I do make efforts to ‘be there’ early in the day, I’m not great at it so I  appreciated the offer of photographer friend Mike when he said that if I wanted early morning photos we had to leave the city no later than 6:15am.  It was dark and cold and I had to wear my down jacket, toque, and gloves.  I even had hot shots in my pocket in case I needed them.

Every now and then I do ask myself why, for someone with Renaud’s condition which causes cold hands and feet, am I drawn to stand in the cold taking photos?  To be honest, its not standing there I’m drawn to, its wanting the results.  And I see the benefit of being out there early – the colours are so much richer, the mist over the water more alive as if in motion, and the resulting photo draws me in.  It was a great morning to be out and I appreciated the encouragement so I could – be there

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