Dunlop Picnic Field

by Margaret on June 20, 2017

I haven’t visited Dunlop Picnic Field for years.  When I was a kid we had many family picnics here and that’s where we got on the bus that took us up to Camp Fortune for skiing.  A few years later I have photos of us picnicking there with my own children.  Now, however, I simply drive by going somewhere else.  And what a shame.

This morning I took a coffee break here after trying out my new mountain bike and strolled along following the creek as it flowed down over the climb up toward Camp Fortune.  I couldn’t go far as I was in bike shorts without bug repellant but this iPhone photo can give you sense of the beauty of this creek.  I now can see why my photographer friend, Harry Nowell, fell in love with this creek and has been photographing its length for over 15 years.  I definitely plan to return, in full bug protective gear and with my favourite camera and tripod to explore more of this creek. So stay tuned as you’ll see more of this creek from me in the future.

In case you’d like to see more, Harry will be showing photos from his project at La Fab in Old Chelsea from June 28-July 3.

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