
by Margaret on September 24, 2016


Still in the thick of the transition experience after Kody’s death I see that I walk more gently upon the earth and take in my surroundings more reflectively.  Recently, on Thursday, the autumnal equinox, this was certainly the case as I sat for quite a while on the rocky outcrop at Tawadina Lookout in the Gatineau Park.  Earlier that morning I had participated in a sunrise equinox celebration at Westboro Beach where we greeted the new season and said farewell to summer.  My resistance to ‘moving forward’ was palpable.  Sitting on the rocks at Tawadina always grounds me and today my thoughts were of all the times that Kody sat here with his presence and being grounding me.

So, on Thursday my attention travelled to the micro beauty of the site, the rock itself, a source of strength.  Staring at the particles and imagining their journey through time was mesmerizing and brought to mind a quote from Carl Sagan where he says that we are all made of star-stuff:

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of star-stuff. The cosmos is within us.” 

Later in the day when my dear vet handed me Kody’s ashes I felt that I was holding all this vastness as I received a box of precious star-stuff.

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